Monday, March 29, 2010


weh lame gile aku x post-a-shit,sebab aku malas,kadang2 rase x bebaloi pon menaip,abes tu watpe sebok nak ade blog2 ni? sebab manatang ni free la,lgpon ade gak aku post kadang2 luahan hati dan perasaan walopon korg x paham,kire aku ala-ala ramli sarip sebenarnye,haa...byk bende tersirat(yg ko sebok nak post mende tersirat watpe? jenohla org nk pikir plak maksudnye),argh diamlah skepticism,sukati akulah.(ko la diam,bodoh),eh die ni.

xpe2,biakan kesedaran aku bermain dalam ketidaksedaranku (bodohla ko ni),argh!
dalam tempoh seminggu due ni bykla jadi,tu pasal tibe2 aku rase mcm nk post plak (kecohla lu,senyap2 dahla),....

bz2 tu besela,sume bz kot,esaimenla,apela (apela???),diam2,aku tgah fokus nk berblog ni,apenameni,tp stendedla kan,bz2 pon...(xyah la nk goreng2,ko x pandai pon),ok2,skeps,ko betol kali ni.

dalam byk2 mende yg terjadi,aku discovered yg all stars are aligned,symptom2 yg wujud undeniable,nevertheless otak kecilku (aku la tu),ek eleh prasan plak,...otak kecil ku masih bertanye,betol kah? (sbab ko xtau kebenaran,ko make up die as wat u want to perceive),??? (eh mr optimism! welcome to the discussion!)

(as far as thinking goes,truth is what u perceive,not necessarily wat actually happens), (truth is just that and i say u should hold on to what u believe mr opt!), (self-made truth is by its term,SELF-MADE! will it be fair to hold on to something that is only yours to perceive?), fair? (it hasnt been much fair as i see it), (yes,fair,it is only right that u believe in something,having faith in it,u've got nothing to lose!), (ofcourse u do! just look at things!), things? (deep inside u dont really feel that lucky anymore right??,affective filter bullshit and all??), thats just a mere jargon, (hasnt it been proved well?),...jap2,weh ape korg ni gadoh plak kat sni,aku da peningla,have u both got to your points yet? i dont think so. (aku kene gadoh ngan mr skep ni,otherwise he'll turn u crazy), (and i'd say just the same oh saint optimism)

dah2,malas nak layan korg (sape soh ko tolis),diammmm!!! (sharing is a bliss),SHATAFAKAP I SAID!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


besar sgt ke lu weh?
seriously weh,
besar sgt ke lu???


aku tanye rumet aku,
"jgn tengok musuh pkai sniper scope kwn ko, gune ko pnye scope sendri"
rumet aku ckp,
"jgn pkai scope die ke...jgn soh die tgok kan..."

die paham,

benchmark, border.

world-famous benchmark,
the mexican border,
the alamo.

thrust, my red darling thrust,
take us there,
take us over,
take us home.

staring amusement

eff the big P word
eff the big R word

Sunday, August 30, 2009

BILL SHUT!!!! (terlabik)

macam mane nk tutop ni
da melimpah limpah ni
da x mcm org dah ni
F btol la
slalu sgt jadinye

nk tutop xleh!
nk alas ke, cover ke
sume xleh!
sakit dowh.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

deym u roaches

[aku baru teringat nk cite]
aku lapa
g beli McD
nk mkn dpan tv kat umah
dah seting2 baek punya
tibe2 kaki aku rase mcm ade bende lalu (keadaan bersila)
aku angkat kaki tengok
xde ape plak
bile aku pandang balik kat bigmac aku
tu dia...
seekor lipas jahat bersedia nk merampas beger dari aku
aku melompat (kini dalam keadaan kekuda)
die da nk dekat ngan beger aku ni (mase ni sesuai lagu CHING CHING CHING!!)
aku xtau nk wat ape
aku jerit2 je
"woi woi woi"
tapi lipas tu x paham
last2 die da nek kat kotak beger aku tuh!
aku terlalu lapar untuk biarkan lipas tu menang
aku buat mende yg aku x sangke aku bleh buat selama ini
aku...aku jentik lipas tuh!! (kurang cube bayangkan muke dan reaksi badan aku time tu)
...(dengan suare sekali)
lipas tu terpelanting ke dinding
bau die da nek dah
aku lari masok blik mak aku
aku jerit
"mama lipas jahat!!!" (weh mane de cmtu la!! igt aku pondan ke?)
aku amek shiltok la kat blik die

tapi lipas tu da ilang
aku try carik x jumpe
aku tarik meal aku jauh2

sejak bile lipas semakin berani weh...
sejak bile...